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Gift Guide for Teachers!

This one has really been a long time coming.

Now don't get me wrong. As a teacher, you don't go into the job for phenomenal gifts from the parents, but when parents feel obligated to get a gift, you accept. I am not a monster!! But that being said, I would love to share with you some gifts I loved receiving or would have loved to receive.

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a very small commission on purchases you make using my recommendations at no cost to you! Thank you for your support. Click on the images to be redirected.

  1. Giftcards. You can truly never go wrong with a gift card.

I do feel like this changes based off of where you live, but the best gift cards I received were to Starbucks (obvi), Target, and Book Stores. Don't know what your child's teacher likes? Next time you're in the classroom, do a quick glance at the trashcan. Casually bring up you went to Target or In-N-Out. Did they get excited and started drooling? Then you can assume they would love that gift. I would literally be stoked for a $5 Starbucks gift card. No need to go big here.

2. Something off of their wish list

A lot of teachers have wish lists on Amazon or Donors Choose accounts and you providing funds to this not only makes their life easier, but can benefit your child too! When the teacher is happy the classroom is happy(er).

3. Books to add to their inclusive library

Stop with the candles and the lotions. If parents gave me their child's favorite book (bonus point if it's inclusive) for me to add to my library, I would cry! This is something so personal and heartfelt and would definitely be used. While you're here, let me suggest a book to gift this holiday season.

4. Teacher Shirts

This is another item that I would have loved to receive as a teacher. I had a coworker you got a shirt that said "My Favorite Teacher" and I thought it was fantastic. Need a great website to get shirts, mugs, or posters for your favorite teacher?

Check out my store for some must have teacher stuff!!

5. Pippi Post is a new store that I have become obsessed with. Click on the image to be redirected but beware you are about to drop some money for every teacher your child has ever had and then some gifts for yourself.


Handmade cards or gifts.

I still have every ornament, picture, card my students made for me. The meaning behind these gifts mean so much to me. Especially as a Special Education teacher where I felt my classroom was very small and formed closer relationships than a class of 30. All of the little gifts my students picked out or created for me made the holidays more special.

As a parent who will soon be buying gifts for every teacher my children have, I know I will be following this list. Maybe throwing in a bottle of wine if I know they drink.. but I can tell you they will all be getting a copy of Tyler the snake ;)

Inclusion Starts With You

and I just want to help.



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