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Week 2
We always like to decorate our bulletin boards for the holidays and this month we decorate a turkey by making feathers and saying what we are thankful for on them. I attached the leaf prompt but I change this for each of my students. Some students need dotted lines to follow, some need board maker icons, and some students need boxes to write nicely. But our turkey always looks unique and colorful.
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Week 3
This week we focus on eating healthy, even on holidays like Thanksgiving. I did put food choices on my worksheets based on students at my school site, so feel free to change them. Before we did this project we watched a healthy eating video on This is a website we use almost daily in my classroom and I love it!
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Week 4
We always have one week of Buddy Class that is a "play week." I either find stuff on TeachersPayTeachers, Super Teacher Worksheets, play board games in small groups, or reading groups.

Week 5

This year we had an extra week in November after Thanksgiving break, so here is an extra activity to do with your students! We found this activity from a target instagram account. You basically prep this however you want. I prep for each of my students. Some of my students love cutting and will cut everything by themselves. Others, cutting is challenging, so I will only have them cut the big shapes and I will cut the snowflakes and smaller shapes for them. They don't have to make the person look like them either. Get creative!
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