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Week 1
The first week of December we talk about some of the December Holidays. We first used Studies--Holidays--Winter Holidays (I have a subscription, which you need to view the videos.. but I use this website almost daily-WORTH IT). After watching the video and possibly doing the easy quiz and pop a joke we then do the activities attached on this page.
Click here for Page 1
Click here for Page 2
Week 2
The second week of Buddy Class we made reindeer and wrote a story about our character. It does involve a lot of cutting and gluing and coloring, so I included some worksheets we can work on if we finish early. ALL of these worksheets I got off of different sites. Most worksheets I get are from me just "googling" stuff.
Click here
Week 3
Click here
The third week we wrote letters to Santa (or to parents). It's a fun holiday themed lesson that has the students talking in groups and helping each other out. I love weeks where we can all sit at different tables (I make sure my students are all divided evenly with our buddies) and do an activity together while talking and joking around :)
Click here
Week 4

We always have one week of Buddy Class that is a "play week." I either find stuff on TeachersPayTeachers, Super Teacher Worksheets, play board games in small groups, or reading groups.
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